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Glamping Destinations
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england, united kingdom
The Kudhva (Cornish for ‘hideout’) are temporary structures which don’t impact the environment and are barely seen amidst the flora and fauna. Their design came about through the desire to experience the beautiful site by being immersed in its offerings. Natural materials line t...
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Eagle Lake Sporting Camps
maine, united states
Start your tradition of memorable visits to the historic Eagle Lake Sporting Camps. Awaken to the "dawn chorus" when male birds begin to sing, quietly at first, then loud and hard; and soon, every bird within earshot is singing simultaneously. You are the audience, your theater is a lakeside vera...
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San Juan de la Isla
ometepe island, nicaragua
Comfort, privacy, great lake and volcano views, authentic Nicaraguan hacienda style, a long sandy beach and warm water all invite the visitor to make San Juan de la Isla the first choice for a beach front lodge on Ometepe Island. With more than 160 acres of lush green fields, forest, streams and ...
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